Bees provide us with joy. A hot summer’s day would simply not be the same without seeing these wonderfully busy insects going about their business of pollinating flowers and producing one of our most beloved breakfast staples, honey.

So important are bees to the ecosystems that surround us that if they were to disappear these ecosystems would likely collapse. The result would be widespread famine.

So bees play an important role in our lives, but wild bees swarm from time to time as they search out new areas to establish hives. Unfortunately, our gardens and homes are the perfect locations for a new colony. Our homes provide shelter from the elements and gardens are often filled with flowering plants, a ready food source.

Having a hive established on your residential property can be extremely dangerous. Bees will fiercely protect their Queen and the hive, attacking and stinging those who disturb their colony repeatedly.

But the danger posed by the American Honeybee, although significant, pales into insignificance when Hybradized African Killer Bees establish a colony on a residential property. These bees are very similar in appearance to your run-of-the-mill Honeybee – but they are much more dangerous. They will chase those who disturb the colon for vast distances and they will not stop attacking what they see as a threat.

The possibility of misidentifying a species of bee is only one of the reasons that homeowners who need to get rid of bees reach out to professional pest control companies.

These trained professionals who years of experience in dealing with many different types of bees – and they do so quickly and efficiently. They will often offer to relocate the bees (in the case of the American Honeybee) to a commercial honey farm or use chemical treatments to get rid of problem bees when relocation is not an option.

The danger posed by bees is one of the reasons that hive removal is best left to professionals. Homeowners who are considering the DIY approach to removing a hive should think very carefully about the pros and cons of that approach.

Firstly removing bees can be dangerous. There are large numbers of people who find themselves in the emergency room due to the fact that they have underestimated just how dangerous and determined bees can be when they are protecting a hive.

Disturbing a hive on a residential property is not only dangerous to the persona attempting the removal but also poses a very real danger to the other people who live on the property, especially young children. If a hive is disturbed bees can be indiscriminate when it comes to who they attack, and they do not draw the line at people – pets are in danger as well.

The fact that specialized equipment is also required to safely remove bees from a property should also give the homeowner pause. Much of this equipment is expensive – and purchasing the items required for safe bee removal doesn’t provide a great return on investment. After all, you will only be using that equipment when you have a bee infestation – and that does not happen that often.

When all is said and done homeowners who need to get rid of bees should reach out to the professionals. they have the experience and the equipment to ensure that the bees are removed from the property safely and quickly.