Imagine the scene. Your backyard and family and friends gather to enjoy the wonderful sunshine, the Twitter of birds, and the gentle drone of bees. But suddenly that drone becomes louder and more menacing. Someone has disturbed the hive that you notice has formed around one of the gazebo support poles.

This may seem like a simple story, but it becomes a reality for many homeowners across the country. each and every year numerous people find themselves in emergency rooms due to the fact that they, or someone close to them has disturbed a hive.

Bees find residential properties irresistible. Our flowerpots and yards are filled with flowering plants and our homes offer protection from the elements.

Many homeowners, on seeing a hive on their property believe that hive removal is a task that is suitable for an ardent fan of DIY. There are a number of reasons why this is a mistake and Kendall bee removal should be left to the experts.

First, there is the matter of the species of bee that has decided to establish their hive on your property. Not all bees are created equal. The American Honeybee is a common sight, flitting from flower to flower, going about its pollination-focused business. Sometimes we fall prey to an old adage that goes something like this; ‘familiarity breeds contempt.

Well, American Honeybees do swarm and they will attack anyone in the vicinity of a disturbed hive. And many of those who find themselves in hospital wards across the U.S. will be quick to confirm this.

But here’s a great reason to call in the specialists in Kendall bee removal when you see a hive on your property. That hive could be home to Africanized Killer bees. Now these bees are fast spreading across the United States and they have built a reputation for being extremely dangerous. Unlike a Honeybee they will follow those who disturb a hive for miles. And they are incredibly persistent – and they sting in enormous numbers.

Any homeowner who tries to handle a Killer Bee colony on their own is asking for trouble and worse.

Of course, there’s also the matter of watching those hard-earned dollars. Investing in all the specialized equipment used by professional bee removal experts (and you’ll need it) is going to cost. A lot. You’re going to get a miserable return on investment – you’ll be using that equipment once in a Blue Moon.

You’ll also be spending a lot of time and effort on a potentially extremely dangerous DIY project. Time is one of those things that is far better employed in other pursuits. Being with family and friends is going to be far more rewarding than a day of physical labor combined with the ever-present threat of being stung repeatedly.

When all is said and done, balancing the pros and cons when it comes to undertaking bee removal is essential. Your choice is simple, a DIY project, or reaching out to professionals who are experts in their field.

There can only be one logical answer. Let the experts deal with the challenge.